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Kandori A, Oe H, Miyashita K, Date H, Yamada N, Naritomi H, Chiba Y, Miyashita T, Tsukada K Abnormal auditory neural networks in patients with right hemispheric infarction, chronic dizziness, and moyamoya disease: a magnetoencephalogram study Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd 2003 2002;273-283
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Chin-Yuan Hsu, Chiba Y, Fukui O, Sasaki Y, Miyashita S Counterclockwise Barber-Pole Sign on Prenatal Three-Dimensional Power Doppler Sonography in a Case of Duodenal Obstruction without Intestinal Malrotation. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 2004 86-90 32 (2)
L. Augusto, Y. Chiba, S. Endo, Y. Ishihara Prenatal Diagnosis of Double Outlet Right Ventricle Using Advanced Dynamic Flow Journal of Medical Ultrasound 2004 115-117 11(3)
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N. Hidaka, Y. Chiba, T. Kurita, S. Sato, H. Nakano Megacystis -Microcolon -Intestinal Hypoperistalsis Syndrome: In Utero Sonographic Appearance and the Contribution of Vesicocentesis in Antenatal Diagnosis. J Ultrasound Med 2006 765-769 25
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